21 Jun 2015 raspi-v2-redsleeve-cli-0.8.img - added iw, crda, wireless-tools 20 Jun 2015 raspi-v2-redsleeve-cli-0.7.img - added wpa_supplicant 20 Dec 2014 raspi-v2-redsleeve-cli-0.6.img - new kernel (3.12.35+) that does support video om raspi model B+ - used rpms's for kernel, firmware and config - new method of image generation, previously I did changes to an existing image, now the image is allways newly created based on Redsleeve packages. 20 Aug 2014 raspi-v2-redsleeve-cli-0.5.img - updated kernel and firmware to the latest from https://github.com/raspberrypi - added raspi-blacklist.conf to supress a harmless boot error message - *Ugly hack*: added plymouth.modules to start plymouthd early in the boot process. This also prevents error messages on boot. 17 Aug 2014 raspi-v2-redsleeve-cli-0.4.img - updated all packages to the latest redsleeve version - downsized the image to fit on a 1G SD card - changed the installed package set to resemble a minimal CentOS install - removed the ntpdate line from rc.local and turned the ntpdate service on - modified cmdline.txt to something CentOS alike, including adding 'ro', which fixes the fsck bug - added '--noclear' to tty.conf - added 'vm.swappiness=1' to cmdline.txt 23 May 2013 raspi-v2-redsleeve-cli-0.3.img - original image from interworx: http://updates.interworx.com/images/